请把爱情想象成一种优美的姿态它并不是一种手段而是万事万物有始有终自生自灭think of love as a state of grace,not the means to anything,but the alpha and omega. and end in itself. 后来70多岁的时候达萨和阿里萨在船舱相遇的那段戏看的我想哭又想笑感谢上帝感谢马尔克斯
The best drivers focus only on the present. Never dwelling on the past, never committing to the future. “What if I don't win?” “There's no dishonor in losing the race, there's only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose.” If a driver has the courage to create his own conditions, then the rainAmanda今年那部狗狗的故事有原著小说苦情又励志112719/042220